Ogawa has figured out a way to take your massage to a whole new level. With multiple massage chairs on the market, and many variations of each, this is comes as quite surprising. One could assume that there isn’t really anything else that can make a massage chair even better.
The SuperTrac massage takes almost every massage track and combines them into one. SuperTrac roller technology is said to be the most comprehensive massage roller track on the market today. The track was designed to pay attention to the entire S shape curve of your spine by embracing the smart curve technology.
Being similar to the L track style it takes the few negatives of the L track and solves them. With the Supertrac roller technology the rollers are able to massage further down your body while positioned in zero gravity or complete lie down. The 2 zero gravity reclines on the Ogawa Active help to make this possible. Reclined the massage will go all the way down to the glutes. When the seat is in the upright position the super track will focus on the neck and back.
The best benefit of the SuperTrac is that you can control it to suit your needs. With the programs Uniq 1, Uniq 2 and Uniq Back you will be able to experience the rollers in a way that is set to your preference.
Ogawa chairs come fully loaded with features. The SuperTrac program is their plan to push the chair over the edge, and make it the ultimate massage experience.
Following post was first seen IntroducingThe Ogawa Active Supertrac. Find out more information on BP.
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